ISO CI Resources
iso official wiki page
The Iso Crystal Isles Wiki Page is the go to place to find answers to most questions about Crystal Isles
Crystal Isles Features
- Crystal versions of dinos
- Map specific resources
- Visually vibrant scenery
- Diverse biomes
- Copper ore veins for the Steampunk mod
- Map lore
- Map specific taming methods
- Unprecedented vibrancy
- Visit our Crystal Isles today!
The Dododex
The Dododex is the go to place to find out tips , strategies, and funny names for your dinosaur friends and soon to be friends. Features include.
- Taming Calculator
- Stat Calculator
- Knock-out estimates, including personal weapons list with custom damage
- Starve timer & torpor timer
Taming Multipliers can be found on PVE & PVPWS Pages. Please factor in multipliers are effected by what map you are on and if an event is active.
And Much More!