Ragnarok PVE
The Ragnarok PVE server is designed playable for everyone and has a small load mod list. Ragnarok also includes Jurassic Park Expansion.
This server features longer days, shorter nights, up to level 180 creatures, 1x XP, 4x harvesting, 5x taming, 20x mating, 5x egg hatch, 3.3x egg laying 5x mature speed, corpse locator on, cross hair on, flyer carry on, tame titan on, limit of 10 in tribe, more and faster resource spawning, and 4x on all loot!
Baecon Event Dinos are level 180+ and unique colors. If killed they drop loot items and give various buffs. Players earn credit for both play time, and donations that can be traded for materials, tools, weapons, armor, and creatures!
You can see what mods are on this server HERE.
This server is hosted on g-portal West Coast USA, and prepaid for a year.
Badasss Unicorn has inspired some amazing builds. This is is one of the few underwater base builds. We have players on our servers that have plans to improve on this amazing build by Badass Unicorn!